Civic Collaborations is a hair studio & social art practice that applies the principles of a generous & caring economy.


Civic is a care based art practice by Megan Velong, built on the belief that simple acts of care and maintenance can be remarkable.

Care by way of conversation, grooming, connection, movement, sound, collective action, recognizing abundance & sharing resources, or extending kind words.

Self care, care for others & care for our environment are interdependent; and when performed, make meaningful and lasting impact. Visual Art, Storytelling, Music, Walks, Movement, Collective Action, and Ecology, are at the core of Civic's modes of inquiry, action and ways of knowing.

Civic’s Mission & Principles:

Civic Collaborations engages communities to collectively imagine a future in which care and generosity are practiced to build a just & regenerative world.

  • By living generously others can enjoy the very things we love—the things that make us feel human, connected, cared for & ultimately create happier healthier communities.

    There are enough resources & opportunities to share with others. Through acts of generosity and care we can help others live better, more equally, more fully.

    Ecological care for the health and integrity of our ecosystem—planetary and culturally, naturally and socially—is imperative.

  • What if the most radical thing we could do was to form caring and generous communities?

    How might our communities function as sustainable social economies?

    How might caring for someone or something else help to support those unsupported by other social systems?


Civic seeks to collaborate with artists, scientists, advocates, and the public on works of art that consider how caring for others and the environment could inspire creative solutions to pressing social, environmental and ecological problems.

Make a donation.

Care for your community.



Civic welcomes proposals from artists, organizers & creatively engaged citizens incorporating ideas of care and alternative economies in their work. If you’re interested in participation or collaboration, please connect!